Car-Lotta Credit and Car Sales Blog

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How Safe Is Water On The Road

Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:30:00 +0000
Water on the Road If water is present over all or part of the road it me be trafficable, but you should proceed with caution. Standing water refers to water that isn't flowing anywhere, so a puddle is one kind of standing water, but standing water is often used in the context of driving, when you have to be careful because standing water on the road could cause an accident A road running below the water level of a stream or river is often known as a "watersplash". It is a common name for a ford or stretch of wet road in some areas, and is sometimes also used to describe tidal crossings. Floating roads are roads that float on water or are built on a very unstable substrate, like peat. These roads can represent both temporary and permanent solution in areas where standard roads are difficult or even impossible to build due to unfavorable natural conditions.

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Can You Believe It?

Fri, 19 Jul 2024 14:00:00 +0000
This summer is flying by! It’s hard to believe it is almost August. School will be starting again in a few short weeks. It truly feels like this summer is going by way too fast! Here is your reminder to enjoy every moment left of this summer before it’s gone!!! There is still time for vacations and summer road trips. Now is a good time to review these summer driving safety tips. A little planning and some safety checks might spare you from dealing with a breakdown — or worse, a crash. A long with your cell phone , it's best to carry an emergency roadside kit with you. Cell phone and charger First aid kit Flashlight Flares and a white flag Jumper cables Tire pressure gauge Jack (and ground mat) for changing a tire Work gloves and a change of clothes Basic repair tools and some duct tape (for temporarily repairing a hose leak) Water and paper towels for cleaning up Nonperishable food, drinking water, and medicines Extra windshield washer fluid Maps Emergency blankets, towels and coats Always check the weather, road conditions, and traffic. Don’t rush, allow plenty of time to get there safely. Familiarize yourself with directions and maps before you go, Be sure to let others know your route and anticipated arrival time. Have FUN with everything you do!

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Do You Use An App To Check Road Conditions?

Fri, 12 Jul 2024 17:00:00 +0000
There are many apps that can help you check road conditions. There are navigation apps, weather apps, and even apps that offer roadside assistance: Navigation apps provide real-time traffic updates and other information to help you plan your route: The more popular are Wazae and Google Maps and Apple Apps. Some allows users to report incidents and hazards, such as accidents, slowdowns, speed traps, and dangerous driving conditions. Waze also provides safety alerts for roadworks, potholes, speed bumps, sharp curves, bad weather, emergency vehicles, and railway crossings. They provides real-time traffic and navigation information, including ETAs, traffic conditions, and automatic rerouting and even route options and allows you to plot waypoints along your route. Weather apps can help you plan your trip around bad weather: based on your departure time, showing what to expect at each point along your route, including severe storms, tornadoes, icing, fog, blizzards, dangerous temperatures, and high winds. Weatherbug: Some say this is one of the best and most reliable weather apps. Roadside assistance apps can help you get assistance if you need it including request help and track your driver's progress, jumpstarting a battery or fixing a flat tire.

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Are You Off Today??

Fri, 05 Jul 2024 13:00:00 +0000
The day after a holiday for some is a buffer day. Some say that knowing they don't have to get up for work the next day releaves some stress from the holdiy. If you were traveling, having a day to unpack, do laundry, get groceries, before having to return to work you may need this extra day to decompress. This works especailly well if the holiday falls on a Thursday and you have a extended weekend. It anticipates that it TSA will screen more than 3 million individuals today surpassing the agency’s current record for most people screened on a single day,

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Are You Traveling for the 4th of July?

Fri, 28 Jun 2024 12:00:00 +0000
It is projected that 70.9 million travelers will head 50 miles or more from home over the Independence Day holiday travel period*. 60.6 million people will travel by car. Drivers can expect the worst traffic delays on Wednesday, July 3rd, as they leave town, and Sunday, July 7th, as they return. See the following for the Best and Worst Times to Travel by Car Date Worst Travel Time Best Travel Time Monday, Jul 1 Minimal Traffic Impact Expected Tuesday, Jul 2 2:00 – 6:00 PM After 7:00 PM Wednesday, Jul 3 2:00 – 7:00 PM Before Noon Thursday, Jul 4 2:00 – 7:00 PM Before Noon Friday, Jul 5 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM Before 10:00 AM Saturday, Jul 6 10:30 AM – 2:30 PM Before 10:00 AM Sunday, Jul 7 2:00 – 8:00 PM Before 11:00 AM Monday, Jul 8 1:00 – 5:00 PM After 7:00 PM

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Is There A Proper Way To Use Your A/C

Fri, 21 Jun 2024 12:00:00 +0000
Baby it's Hot Outside! Air condition the proper way.... Air conditioning is great, but you can do more than to turn it on. The way your air conditioner is set up can change how fast your auto cools down. If you want to do cool as quickly and efficiently as possible there are a few things you can do. Make sure the A/C is on the coldest setting, and then that the climate control is set to draw in external air. Then, open the windows slightly, and set the A/C to come out of the lowest vents. Since cold air is heavier than hot air, it’ll make sure the hot air gets pushed up and out of the window. Once the air coming from the vents feels cooler than the outside air, shut the windows and switch to recirculated air. Your A/C will do its thing and keep you nice and cool.

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Do You Park Like A Pro?

Fri, 14 Jun 2024 15:00:00 +0000
Parking is the action of moving a vehicle into a place in a car park or by the side of the road where it can be left. Why is it called parking your car? The term “to park” originated from the practice of placing cannon carriages parallel to one another; in such a position these are said to be parked. Cars left unattended on streets or in public areas were a major problem for cities at the turn of the 20th century. How to perfect car parking? 1 – Find a parking spot. The parking spot should have at least 0.5 – 1m on each side. ... 2 – Drive slowly and enter at an angle. Enter the parking spot at an angle and slowly edging forward until your car is correctly positioned within the white lines. 3 – Align the car in the parking spot. ... 4 – Open the car doors carefully. Want to Park Like A Pro... Keep Practicing. Choose the Right Spot. Know the Size of Your Vehicle. Set the Mirrors Correctly. Understand the Parking Dimensions. Align Your Car.

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Does Your Windshield Fog Up On The Inside?

Fri, 07 Jun 2024 13:00:00 +0000
Your windshield fog can occur when warm air inside a car meets and cools rapidly against the windows, causing condensation and liquid to form. As the liquid evaporates, it can leave behind a cloudy fog. The easiest way to keep your car windows from fogging up is to open a window, even just a little bit. Letting some of the air inside your car escape will help equalize the temperature difference between the outside and inside of your vehicle. It will prevent water vapor from forming on your windows in the first place. Here are some other tips for clearing foggy windows in hot weather: 1. Utilize your windshield wipers. 2. Heat up the interior of your vehicle. 3. Keep recirculation turned off: To combat foggy windows, deactivate the recirculation feature in your car so that the interior temperature and humidity align with the external conditions.

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What Color Is Your Car?

Fri, 31 May 2024 17:24:00 +0000
Did you know that the color of your car can make a $5,000 difference in how much you sell it for? Yellow, beige and orange will bring the most money when it’s time to sell Yellow, beige, orange and green cars all lose less than 20 percent of their value Gold, brown and black cars drop the most in value, losing over $10,000 after 3 years SUVs: Yellow Is the Best Color for SUV Resale Value Pickup Trucks: Beige Scores Big With Off-Road Truck Buyers Sedans: Brown Moves From Zero to Hero in the Sedan Category Convertibles: Yellow Is Popular With the Drop-Top Crowd Coupes: Yellow Is Also the Top Resale Value Color for Coupe Buyers Minivans: Minivan Buyers Go Green…and Brown The average car loses 22.5 percent of its value after 3 years, but yellow cars only lose 13.5 percent, which equates to saving more than $3,000 compared to the average vehicle Yellow, beige, orange and green cars all lose less than 20 percent of their value Gold, brown and black cars drop the most in value, losing over $10,000 after 3 years So, which car color is the best? At the end of the day, it's totally up to you.

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Memorial Day

Fri, 24 May 2024 12:00:00 +0000
This U.S. federal holiday is observed on the last Monday of May to honor the men and women who have died while serving in the military. Nearly 44 million people are expected to be on the move over the four-day weekend Memorial Day commemorates the men and women who died while in the military service of their country, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. In other words, the purpose of Memorial Day is to memorialize the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. We spend time remembering those who lost their lives and could not come home, reflecting on their service and why we have the luxury and freedom that we enjoy today. We might consider how we can support and safeguard their grieving families and loved ones who are left behind. Car-Lotta Car Sales will be closed on Monday, May 27th in observance of the holiday. We will re open on Tuesday, May 28th at 9:00 am.

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Stuck In Traffic?

Fri, 17 May 2024 13:00:00 +0000
Getting stuck in traffic is like a rite of passage for all drivers. Whether you like it or not, it’s happened to you, and it’s most likely going to happen again. Nobody wants to be sitting in a traffic jam, but at least make the best of it. If you’re a passenger, or if you’re pulled over to the side of the road, out of the way of other cars/traffic – Here’s a handy list of things to do to pass the time; Bust out your Karaoke chops Play the license plate abbreviation game Make the person/people in the car next to you laugh Switch it up with a podcast Clean up the general area around your seat Do some car exercises Start a round of I-Spy Become a champion of 20 Questions Phone a friend- It’s always good to catch up with people! The most important tip of all though: pay attention to the traffic around you! The games and advice may be fun to do, but driving is always your top priority.

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Do You Zipper Merge?

Fri, 10 May 2024 14:00:00 +0000
When a lane is closed in a construction zone, a zipper merge occurs when motorists use both lanes of traffic until reaching the defined merge area, and then alternate in "zipper" fashion into the open lane. Merge points are specifically set up for vehicles to merge from two lanes into one lane in a zipper fashion. This keeps traffic flowing. Each car should alternate zipper fashion into the remaining open lane just before the point of closure. When there is a lane closure ahead, drivers should continue to drive in both lanes equally. Just before the lane ends, cars should take turns filling in the open lane carefully and resume full speed. In a Zipper Merge, please be respectful of those who wait to merge until just before the lane ends; they are doing it correctly

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Road Construction Is Frustrating

Fri, 03 May 2024 18:00:00 +0000
Pennsylvania has many roads that connect with various arteries that go through many areas. Weekday mornings and early evenings, no matter what direction you’re going, you’ll likely end up stuck in some hot traffic hell. Despite the perils of a long commute, most people in our drive to work. More than 75% make the trek to work alone. The stress of waiting in gridlock can get intense if you’re in a hurry, leaving you feeling frustrated and anxious about the traffic. That stress can translate into deeper health hazards. Try to distract yourself with your smartphone, and you can put yourself and other drivers in even more danger. We understand how frustrating road construction can be! It’s one of those necessary inconveniences that can disrupt our daily routines.

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What Do You DO??

Fri, 26 Apr 2024 13:00:00 +0000
You’re sitting calmly in traffic drumming your fingers on the steering wheel when you hear the sound of brakes screeching from behind. Glancing in the rearview mirror, you see a car barreling toward you and brace for the crash. More than 5.25 million Americans a year experienced an auto accident, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). While we can’t always prevent accidents from happening, we can prepare for what to do when they occur. A car accident is just that, an accident. If you find yourself in the aftermath you might notice that as the adrenaline drops off, your brain starts to whirl with questions. Often, the loudest one is, what now? First, make sure everyone involved is safe. If your vehicle can be moved out of the roadway, do so. No matter what, be sure to turn on your hazard lights. Next, remember to stay calm. Take some deep breaths. Then: Call the police to report the accident. If someone needs medical attention at the scene, call 911 If your vehicle needs to be towed, be cautious of predatory towing companies. Using them may result in expensive out of pocket charges. ERIE has a towing program, and you can request an accident tow by using your mobile app. If using a towing provider at the scene, be sure to obtain the towing company name, operator, contact information and location to where the vehicle is being towed. Document the scene. Take notes, photos, videos and voice memos. Make sure to get: Date, time and location Description of what happened, while it’s still fresh in your mind Contact information of those involved and any witnesses Insurance information, driver’s license number and license plate information of all drivers involved Identifying information of all responding officers Photos of the involved vehicle from different angles, showing the damage done to both cars. Copy of final accident report If your accident was the result of a hit and run, the steps don’t vary much. Record any details you may recall about the vehicle that hit you and gather witness statements and contact information. Finally, contact your insurance agent directly to begin the claims process.

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Make An Appointment- Keep It- Or Call

Fri, 19 Apr 2024 13:30:00 +0000
We Know - Life gets crazy. Keeping up with appointments can be overwhelming amid the chaos of a busy life -IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT, JUST CALL- When a customer fails to show up for their automotive appointment, it can significantly impact the business. First off, the company may have incurred costs associated with special ordering the required part for the customer's vehicle, which now must be returned. This can lead to financial loss due to restocking fees or shipping costs, as well as the time and effort invested in the ordering process. The missed appointment represents a lost opportunity for the business to generate revenue during that time slot, potentially disrupting the scheduling of other appointments and affecting overall productivity. The company's reputation and customer satisfaction may be at stake if such occurrences become frequent, as it can lead to dissatisfaction and mistrust among both existing and potential customers. If you find yourself unable to make a scheduled appointment, reach out to them promptly. Making a courteous phone call, send a text or email to notify them of your inability to attend, you show respect for their schedule and allow them the opportunity to make alternative arrangements. A simple act of communication shows that you value their time and are considerate of the impact your absence may have on their operations. It also helps to maintain a positive and professional relationship with the company, building trust and understanding.

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What is Comprehensive Insurance ?

Fri, 12 Apr 2024 13:00:00 +0000
What is Comprehensive Insurance ? Comprehensive insurance is an optional type of car insurance coverage that pays for damage to a vehicle caused by non-collision events that are beyond your control. For example, comprehensive insurance covers damage due to falling objects, fire, theft, flooding, vandalism, wind, and more. Without comprehensive insurance, you risk having to pay out of pocket to repair or replace your vehicle should an incident occur. Things to Know About How Comprehensive Insurance Works: • You can purchase comprehensive insurance from any auto insurance company, as it is a very common type of insurance. • You will likely be required to purchase collision insurance when you get comprehensive coverage, since most insurance companies do not sell comprehensive insurance by itself. • Comprehensive insurance is not required by law, but a lender or lessor might require it. • You can file a comprehensive insurance claim by calling your insurance company and providing them with all the information you have about the accident. You may also be able to file your claim on your insurer's website or app. • You will always file comprehensive claims with your own insurance company. • When you file a comprehensive insurance claim, you will be responsible for paying a deductible. • If your insurance company approves the claim, you will pay your deductible directly to the repair shop.

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Are You A Sunday Driver ?

Fri, 05 Apr 2024 14:30:00 +0000
What does the phrase Sunday drivers mean? A person who drives slowly and leisurely or overcautiously What is the origin of the Sunday driver? The use of the automobile for the Sunday drive began in the 1920s and 1930s. The idea was that the automobile was not used for commuting or errands, but for pleasure. There would be no rush to reach any particular destination. The practice became increasingly popular throughout the 20th century. Why is it called a Sunday drive? A catchphrase that made specific reference to people who broke the Sabbath by driving their automobiles, especially during church services, Sunday driving stood as a metaphor for what many believed was a nationwide decline in morality.

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Does Your Auto Have An Easter Egg?

Fri, 29 Mar 2024 14:00:00 +0000
Easter eggs in cars are fun, hidden gems with symbolic or deeper meanings. Most car Easter eggs are free, Tesla drivers can pay $175 for an optional key fob, which is also a hidden gem. While many vehicles hide Easter eggs, Jeeps and Teslas use the most hidden features in their vehicles. From functional to simply fun, easter eggs provide a little more character and often show off an automaker's playful side. Easter eggs might not influence sales numbers too much but they do help buyers engage with their vehicle. Some are purely based on having a little fun with the design while others are intentionally functional. Which is your favorite though? That’s our question of the day. Easter eggs in the automotive sector come in a variety of forms but just as their namesake might suggest, they’re somewhat hidden from plain view. You often needs to go looking for them to find them. Does Your Auto Have An Easter Egg?

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If You Replace Your Windshield What Happens To Your State Inspection Sticker?

Fri, 22 Mar 2024 18:30:00 +0000
Understanding Windshield Replacement and Inspection Stickers in Pennsylvania In the state of Pennsylvania, the process of replacing a windshield can sometimes lead to confusion regarding inspection stickers and their transfer between the old and new glass. It is essential for both auto glass shop customers and service stations to understand their responsibilities in this situation to ensure compliance with the law and avoid unnecessary issues. When a windshield replacement is performed in Pennsylvania, an auto glass shop is not legally obligated to transfer inspection stickers from the old windshield to the new one. While some auto glass shops may make an effort to save and transfer the stickers as a courtesy to their customers, it is important to note that any damage to the stickers during the replacement process is not the shop's responsibility. According to Pennsylvania regulations, inspection stickers are considered the property of the vehicle owner rather than the auto glass shop. As a result, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their inspection stickers are replaced. In cases where the stickers cannot be saved or are damaged during the replacement process, the customer may need to visit the service station that inspected their vehicle to obtain new replacement stickers. Auto glass shops are required to cut out the inspection stickers from the old windshield and hand them over to the customer. The customer can then take the stickers to the service station for replacement, bearing in mind that they may incur additional costs for the new stickers.

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Do People Decorate Their Cars for Weddings ?

Fri, 15 Mar 2024 20:00:00 +0000
Do People Decorate Still Their Cars for Weddings ? Typically the best man, with the help of the maid of honor, groomsmen, and bridesmaids sneaks out of the wedding reception about halfway through to decorate the wedding car. Sometimes, even the bride and groom like to be included. Decorating the wedding car is definitely a fun and creative way to honor (or even embarrass) the new couple! Old shoes were tied to the back bumper because leather was thought to ward off evil spirits, and would keep the young couple safe. Sometimes tin cans were also tied to the back of the car, to make noise and call attention to the happy newlyweds. Now, more couples are renting limousines and are aware that shaving cream might damage the paint and rental companies discourage tying anything to the car. There are many other alternatives now available that won’t harm the car in any way.

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Spring Forward..... and Change The Clock In Your Car

Fri, 08 Mar 2024 15:00:00 +0000
Daylight saving time has gotten easier since the smartphone has replaced so many wristwatche. In cars, GPS-linked navigation systems often change the time automatically in the same way. They will be able to synchronise the car's clock with the global positioning satellite signal and so they will automatically change the time according to the zone you're in. Some folks have a clock in their car that not only needs adjusting manually but is often the most complicated function in the entire car. As all cars operate differently the first thing you should do would be to check the manufacturer's manual. As a general rule the dashboard buttons will help you set the time right in your car as its clock is usually connected to the radio. You will need to push the "menu" or the "clock" button to access the time setting menu. By tapping the "volume" buttons you will be able to adjust the hour and minutes. Once you are finished make sure to tap the "set" or "clock" button again and you're good to go. Saturday while you’re running errands, don’t forget to turn the clock an hour back. The time doesn’t officially change until 2 a.m. Sunday, but you don’t want to head to work Monday an hour earlier than you need to.

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Are You Thinking Spring?

Fri, 01 Mar 2024 21:00:00 +0000
Springtime is often associated with house cleaning, but here at Carlotta, we think it’s a great time to focus on your car as well. Routine, seasonal maintenance checks will help your car perform its very best, as you turn the corner from winter to spring. With the weather warming up, early spring is ideal for getting your car prepared for road trips, more frequent driving or even that epic summer vacation that’s only a few months away.

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Why Won't My Car Start??

Fri, 23 Feb 2024 13:00:00 +0000
Winter weather is tough on vehicles. When temperature drops below freezing and you get in one morning and turn the key, only to find your vehicle won’t start. What are you supposed to do? WHY CARS AND COLD WEATHER DON’T GET ALONG.... We tend to think about our vehicles as machines, but there’s also a lot of chemistry involved. Car problems related to the cold are usually caused by a combination of chemical and mechanical malfunctions. A battery that worked fine during the spring, summer and fall can fail as the mercury drops. Your battery runs on a chemical process, one that gets slowed down by low temperatures. The colder it gets, the less power the battery will produce. If your battery’s condition is marginal, it may not be able to start your vehicle as temperatures drop toward single digits. When you turn the key, you may hear the starter running very slowly, or not at all. If you think your battery might be at fault, kill everything else that would draw power from it. Turn off the lights, the heater and the stereo. Unplug any phone chargers. And, if you have a manual transmission, hold the clutch down. If you think your battery might be at fault, kill everything else that would draw power from it. Turn off the lights, the heater and the stereo. Unplug any phone chargers. And, if you have a manual transmission, hold the clutch down. Now turn the key in the ignition, or push the start button. Hold it for about 10 seconds, but no longer. If all goes well, your engine should start. If not, wait a few minutes and try again. If this doesn’t work, try to tighten or clean your battery cables, or get a jumpstart. If you have some timeyou can remove the battery and take it indoors where it can warm up. If all else fails... get a tow to your mechanic.

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What will your vehicle cost be over the next 5 years?

Fri, 16 Feb 2024 20:00:00 +0000
When you consider the prices in the vehicle market over the past few years, you may feel that buying a vehicle today is an expensive. Prices of used cars will continue to drop, but you should consider when buying a car is the true — and overall — cost of ownership. What Vehicles Will Cost You the Least After 5 Years? 5-Year Cost to Own projections reveal the overall financial costs associated with a vehicle, including the price tag and other hits to your wallet down the road. Consider the car costs for you to drive it off the lot, maintenance, fuel, insurance, repairs and its market value after five years of ownership. Let’s take a look at vehicles with the most favorable five-year costs overall....a range of 2023 model classes, including subcompact SUVs, midsize cars, hybrids and more. Here’s What A Few Vehicles Are Projected To Cost Over the First 5 Years Make and Model Vehicle Class 5-Year Cost to Own 2023 Toyota Tundra Fullsize Pickup Truck $48,254 2023 Hyundai Venue Subcompact SUV $31,686 2023 Subaru Forester Compact SUV $37,367 2023 Subaru Impreza Compact Car $31,041 2023 Honda Accord Midsize Car $36,732 2023 Lexus LS Fullsize Luxury Car $83,727 2023 Lexus ES Midsize Luxury Car $53,063 2023 Subaru BRZ Sports Car $39,908 2023 Toyota Corolla Hybrid Hybrid Car $30,207 2023 Chevrolet Bolt EV Electric Car $28,610 2023 Toyota Sienna Minivan $42,669

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Can You Sign and Drive ?

Sat, 10 Feb 2024 19:00:00 +0000
What defines sign and drive? A sign and drive deal is an extremely popular pay structure amongst lessees since it allows the consumer to drive off in a car without paying anything at signing. It is literally called a “Sign and Drive deal.” but it's actually more of a sign THEN drive deal. Instead of putting your savings as a down payment, a Sign and Drive lets you bundle the leasing costs into your monthly payments.

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